On November 27, the Youth and Young Adults celebrated various nationalities and regional traditions within the confines of Grace Baptist Church of Christ. “Each One, Reach One: We Are One” was the theme for the elegant affair, which was celebrated in conjunction with the 10:30 a.m. family worship service. The celebration began with the choir processional holding various flags representing countries from the Caribbean and different state flags from the United States. For the duration of the festivities, Sis. Rachael Osbourne did a fine job of carrying the program and engaging the audience.
The program was brought to new heights by Bro. Keith Walls who interviewed members from within the church. We learned new information about our members, including their favorite foods and what it was like to grow up in their country or state. Many were surprised by what was revealed by their co-congregants. Finally, everything was wrapped up with a riveting and timely song “Celebrate Jesus”!
At the end of service, the congregation was treated to first class service by the Youth and Young Adults’ ministries. Each table was named a different country or state and the lower church was beautifully complimented by the colors red, black and silver. Members were served individually from appetizers to entrees and surprised by sparkling apple cider served in champagne glasses.
We are eagerly waiting for what’s in store for next year!
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