By Keith Walls
Memorial Day Weekend was a weekend of fellowship, laughs, tears and pure joy. After 49 years of serving the East New York community in Brooklyn, New York. God led Pastor Underwood to start a church in his hometown of Anderson, South Carolina. On this weekend Grace Baptist Church of Christ went to visit their sister church, Grace Baptist Church Redemption House.
People came from many parts of the east coast to join in this joyous occasion. Some flew, drove and even took the bus; no one wanted to be left out. Once the bus arrived we were greeted by our Pastor who we have not seen in a while since his relocation. Excitement could not be contained as everyone embraced Pastor Underwood. You could just feel the love as everyone got off the bus. Everyone settled in to the hotel and refreshed as they prepared to attend a barbecue on the grounds of Grace Baptist Church Redemption House.
The bus pulled up to the church and the grounds were filled with previous members and current members. The heat could not stop up from having a great time fellow-shipping and eating some good ole barbecued food. You can’t talk about a barbecue without letting people know what was there. So, let me do the honors. There were ribs, hamburgers, hot dogs, corn, beans, salad, fish, cakes and the list continues.
While some people were outside, a few were “getting warmed up” in the words of Pastor Underwood. When we entered the church, you could just feel the spirit in that place. Pastor Underwood talked about how good God is and all the wonderful things he has done for this branch of Zion. Bro. Sayles a former musician of GBCC led everyone in worship and praise. It was amazing to me because while it was a barbecue, it was also a time to worship God for his wonderful works. We sang our hearts out to songs from “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus” to “He Did It All.”
Sunday morning was an amazing experience. Seeing all the people that came just because they wanted to be apart of this momentous occasion. Not only that but, because Pastor Underwood affected their lives in some way. The Spirit was high as we began service and it continued to grow. The choir sang about being blessed and about the blood that Jesus shed on Calvary. It was a moment just to look back and see where God has brought us and how He is still keeping us. Co-Pastor Rogers preached a sermon that touched the hearts of everyone. At the end of service Pastor Underwood was presented with gifts of appreciation from many people. I think I saw a tear in his eye.
Our trip concluded with lunch at “Ryan’s.” If you don’t know about “Ryan’s,” then you are missing out. It is a buffet filled with all types of food from fried chicken to macaroni and cheese and the best dinner rolls. It was a bittersweet moment---bitter because we knew our time in South Carolina was coming to an end but, sweet because we knew that all was well at Grace Baptist Church Redemption House. This was a trip that brought back memories for many people and a trip that created new and wonderful memories for us all.
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